CoEvolution Quarterly, Spring 1976
“It seems to be a paradigmatic question to ask if we should move massively into Space. In addressing that we’re addressing our most fundamental conflicting perceptions of ourself, of the planetary civilization we’ve got under way.”
- Published: Spring 1976
- Collection: CoEvolution Quarterly
- Links: Internet Archive, Download PDF
- Space Colonies
- Understanding Whole Systems
- Land Use
- Soft Technology
- Craft
- Shelter
- Community
- Nomadics
- Communications
- Learning
- Business

CoEvolution Quarterly, Spring 1976
- Space Colonies
- Summary of Gerard O’Neill’s idea4
- Is Balance Really Possible Where Even Gravity Is Manufactured? (Comments on O’Neill’s Space Colonies)4
- Ken Kesey6
- Russell Schweickart6
- Lewis Mumford6
- Lynn Margulis7
- Richard Raymond7
- The real backers7
- Dean Fleming7
- Wendell Berry7
- Wilson Clark10
- Space for peace10
- E.F. Schumacher10
- Stephanie Mills10
- Steve Durkee11
- Extra energy11
- Steve Baer11
- The SF vote Dennis Meadows11
- Stanley Marsh III13
- Sufficient error13
- Paul and Anne Ehrlich13
- Pioneer13
- Down the road13
- Ernest Callenbach15
- Carl Sagan15
- Rather15
- William Irwin Thompson15
- George Wald15
- David Brower17
- Michael Phillips17
- Ant Farm17
- John Todd17
- Brother David Steindl-Rast22
- Info isn't heavy22
- Planet parenthood23
- Richard Brautigan23
- Juvenile space23
- Peter Warshall23
- Landscape and tools23
- Phosphate!25
- Cycles & pollution25
- Biology first25
- L-5 News25
- Arab Space Program age25
- Anne Norcia27
- Marc Le Brun27
- Garrett Hardin27
- R. Buckminster Fuller27
- Seed27
- Paolo Soleri30
- Julia Brand30
- Better foolishness30
- David Shetzline35
- Partial atmospheric pressure35
- John Holt35
- Technical debate35
- Behind the question43
- Erik Eckholm43
- Margalef, civilization & space43
- Hot Gaia45
- Gary Snyder45
- Metallurgical paradise45
- Hazel Henderson45
- Space war47
- Anne Waldman47
- Vine Deloria, Jr,47
- Brazil's space colony47
- Gurney Norman48
- Daughter48
- Investment space48
- Compiler48
- Allure48
- National Space Institute48
- Gerard O'Neill50
- Stewart Brand50
- The New Alchemists by John Todd54
- Space Colonies, Ethics, and People by J. Peter Vajk66
- Space colonies should keep away from the government for a while Astronaut Russell Schweickart on the phone72
- Understanding Whole Systems
- General Systemantics80
- Where Are The Earth’s Erogenous Zones?80
- U.S. Photo Murals81
- Losing Ground81
- World Game, 197681
- World Model81
- Prayer Breakfast by Gregory Bateson and Governor Jerry Brown Lage82
- Capitalism and Material Life85
- The Elements85
- Le Sauvage85
- Four New Poems by Gary Snyder86
- Sociobiology by Peter Warshall88
- Isak Dinesen90
- Its the water — and a lot more90
- Oaks and the sweet smell of sex90
- A Coevolutionary game: Feeding the Masses91
- Coevolution takes TIME91
- Land Use
- The Postage Stamp Garden Book92
- Mulch Books92
- Comfrey Report92
- Vegetable Crops93
- Organic Small Farming93
- Fertility Pastures and Cover Crops93
- The Earth Manual94
- Rybezynski & Warshall on shit management94
- Wildflowers and Weeds94
- Soft Technology
- Homemade Windmills of Nebraska96
- Other Homes and Garbage96
- Farallones Institute97
- Display wattmeter97
- Energy Earth and Everyone97
- Kilowatt Counter97
- Solar Energy Thermal Processes98
- Solar Energy Handbook98
- Solar Pond98
- Solar Energized Food Dehydrator98
- Solar Test Facility98
- Solar Directory99
- VW prime mover99
- Devcon99
- The Procedure Handbook of Are Welding99
- MORE Highly Eyolvee Toolbox by J. Baldwin100
- Craft
- By Shaker Hands106
- Health Hazards Manual for Artists106
- Colorado Fleece Company106
- Art Needlework Industries107
- Star Wool Stores107
- Fabric Printing: Screen Method107
- Shelter
- Illustrated Housebuilding108
- Do-It-Yourself Plumbing108
- Dome Notes108
- Community
- Lehman Hardware Company109
- Moonshiners Manual109
- Practical Self Sufficiency109
- A Barefoot Doctor’s Manual110
- New Woman’s Survival Sourcebook110
- Follow-up on the “no jelly” diaphragm111
- What Do We Use for Lifeboats When the Ship Goes Down?111
- Talc-asbestos hazard111
- From Huey Newton in Cuba112
- And There Was Light112
- The Book of Tofu112
- The Country of the Pointed Firs113
- Great Creatures Throughout History and How They Grew by Dan O'Neill114
- Nomadics
- Canada Bike118
- Bike mouth & superbike118
- King of the Road118
- Total bike access118
- Frisbee120
- Economy Driving120
- Le Truck120
- Without Wheels120
- Alden Shell122
- Surveying Small Craft122
- Boat Building With Plywood122
- Heavy Weather Sailing123
- Sager Weathercaster123
- Good grub(s)123
- The Art of Bodysurfing124
- Hang Flight124
- 1976 Charter Flight Directory124
- Structure Fishing125
- Net125
- American Caves and Caving125
- Communications
- Boycott the Metric System126
- On Machine Intelligence126
- Computer Chess126
- Calculus Primer126
- BYTE Magazine128
- Hobbyist computer suppliers and clubs128
- Digital Design with Standard MSI and LSI129
- Computers in the 1980s129
- Computer structures130
- Fractured anatomy130
- Peter Kagan and the Wind130
- The First Seven Days130
- Learning
- Joni Mitchell131
- Cricket131
- Read For Your Life131
- Take As Directed by Ron Jones132
- From Sad to Glad140
- A Rating of Graduate Programs140
- Barron’s Guide to Medical, Dental, and Allied Health Science Careers142
- CPC Salary Survey142
- More on Grassroots Distribution142
- Business
- CQ balance sheet143
- CQ financial picture143
- Subscription price going up143
- Or Whole Earth143
- Gossip144
- Patrons144
- Credits144
More CoEvolution Quarterly