CoEvolution Quarterly, Summer 1975
“The Gaia Hypothesis […] treats the anomalous Earth atmosphere as an artifact of life and comprehends the planet itself as a single life. The two old puzzles — 1) How does the bizarre Earth atmosphere maintain itself? and 2) How does fragile Earth life maintain itself? — solve each other.”
- Published: Summer 1975
- Collection: CoEvolution Quarterly
- Links: Internet Archive, Download PDF
- Apocalypse Juggernaut, Hello
- Understanding Whole Systems
- Land Use
- Shelter
- Soft Technology
- Craft
- Community
- Nomadics
- Communications
- Learning
- Business

CoEvolution Quarterly, Summer 1975
- Apocalypse Juggernaut, hello
- Lessons5
- Notes5
- Captain Kirk, Something Funny’s Going On In The Transporter Room6
- Sagan's Conjecture7
- What Do We Use for Lifeboats When the Ship Goes Down? by My8
- Living on a Lifeboat by Garrett Hardin16
- Holiday for Cynics by Dan O'Neill24
- Understanding Whole Systems
- Three From Space by Carl Sagan28
- The Atmosphere as Circulatory System of the Biosphere — The Gaia Hypothesis by Lynn Margulis and James E. Lovelock30
- Origin of Eukaryotic Cells41
- Who’s Earth by Russell Schweickart42
- Introducing Margalef by Stewart Brand, Peter Warshall, Michael McClure46
- Perspectives in Ecological Theory by Ramdén Margalef48
- Synergetics66
- Peter Kropotkin, Murray Bookchin, Ivan Illich67
- Land Use
- The People’s Land68
- A Bibliography on Land Reform in Rural America69
- The City People’s Book of Raising Food69
- Community Gardening70
- How to Know the Economic Plants70
- The Samaka Guide to Homesite Farming71
- Yerba Buena71
- Improving Garden Soil With Green Manure72
- Three seed catalogs and the risks of hybrid seed73
- My Lawnmower Hates Me73
- Woodland Ecology74
- Commonwealth, indeed, Massachusetts74
- A quiet chainsaw!75
- Dude Farms by Sally Nicholson76
- Detweiler’s Harness Shop78
- The Mule79
- Influencing Horses79
- Carroll Saddle Company79
- Seed Clouds, Reap Havoc by Patrick J. Porgens and James R. Bukey80
- Sinsemilla Marijuana by Otto Peep84
- Shelter
- In Harmony With Nature86
- The Glass House87
- Soft Technology
- Toilet “Gold-Ring”87
- Nightwall88
- Breadbox solar water heater88
- Solar Hardware89
- SolarSan collector panels89
- Solar distillation89
- Aushalser89
- More “‘solar cells’89
- Solar building code90
- Practical methane90
- Zero Waste Systems91
- An alternative technology equipment directory91
- Notes91
- Design With Wind92
- Storage Batteries92
- Salter Wind Turbine92
- Parish Windmill92
- Do-It-Yourself Patent Applications Kit92
- A Manual On The Hydraulic Ram For Pumping Water93
- Small Hydroelectric Systems93
- Air powered pump systems93
- The Oxy-Acetylene Handbook93
- Craft
- Wood for Wood-Carvers and Craftsmen94
- Let’s Try Mushrooms for Color94
- Nature’s Colors95
- Lichens for Vegetable Dyeing95
- Making Stone Arrowheads & Scrapers by Gil Verde96
- Community
- Neighborhood Power98
- Neighborhood Government98
- Briarpatch Review99
- Survival in the City99
- The Sports Book Catalog100
- How to raise rents100
- Starting Line Sports101
- Whole Earth Access Company101
- Council on Economic Priorities101
- Fast Speaking Woman102
- Sex, Living Together, and The Law102
- Beginner’s Guide to Group Sex103
- Letter103
- Be Careful What You Long For, You Might Get It103
- Birth Without Violence104
- Mandatory Motherhood104
- Laparoscopy105
- Condoms, These Days by Salli Rasberry and Laird Sutton106
- Homing Pigeons by William L. Cassidy108
- Breakfast with Jer110
- Jack and His Ego by Gurney Norman112
- Straightrazor116
- Ancestor worship117
- Yay Soybeans!117
- Heimlich maneuver117
- Relative Poverty and Frugality by Paolo Soleri118
- Nomadics
- Nomadics Gypsy on 18 Wheels124
- Francis Galton’s Art of Travel 1872124
- Where To Stay USA From 50¢ To $7 A Night124
- Budget motels124
- Truck Stop Men’s Room124
- Crown Surplus Store125
- Furthurmore125
- Backpacking Equipment125
- Bicycling Science126
- Safarilite126
- The Touring Cyclist Shop126
- Portable bicycle126
- The Mariner’s Catalog — Vol. 2127
- Sea Survival127
- Fly127
- Communications
- Beginner’s Guide to Photography128
- The Money Saver’s Guide to Photography128
- Film128
- Madrigal’s Magic Key to Spanish129
- Street Art129
- The Use and Training of the Human Voice130
- New Music Vocabulary130
- Discwasher130
- Little Flute130
- Audio Amateur131
- Letter131
- The New Listener’s Companion and Record Guide131
- “Reality” and Redundancy by Gregory Bateson132
- PERSONAL COMPUTERS edited by Marc Le Brun136
- The Human Use of Inhuman Machines by Dave Caulkins137
- A response to ‘’Plains of Science, Summits of Passion’’141
- Computer Lib/Dream Machines142
- Two Cybernetic Frontiers143
- The Nature of the Beast by Marc Le Brun144
- HP21145
- Advice for the Computer-Lorn or, Getting Yourself a Computer by Dick Rubenstein146
- Possible inexpensive computer systems147
- Evaluating Computers for Home or Personal Use by Dick Rubenstein148
- Experimenter’s Computer System149
- Software for Personal Computers by Dick Rubenstein150
- Micro-8 Newsletter151
- What To Do After You Hit Return152
- Last Pass152
- Heckletooth 3153
- Allen Verbatim153
- Learning
- Learning Helplessness154
- Operators and Things154
- Magic155
- Encyclopedia of Sex Drugs & Aphrodisiacs155
- Cooking With Cannabis155
- Loka156
- A Guide to Oriental Classics156
- Mani Trading Co.157
- Six nonlectures157
- The Structure of Mystical Experience by Brother David Steindl-Rast158
- Ritual . . .as Communication and as State by Roy A. Rappaport168
- Blessing Way Ceremony, Puberty Rite by Maud Oakes184
- Le Ronde by Harold Morowitz186
- Business
- Unfree money187
- Whole Earth Catalog & Epilog CHANGES188
- Gossip191
- Subscriptions192
- Hardcover Catalogs & Epilogs192
- How Does The Apocalypse Look From Where You Are?192
More CoEvolution Quarterly