CoEvolution Quarterly, Winter 1983
“One factor determines all else about our relationship with our children: it is irreversible. The contract cannot be broken. Daily we leave jobs, none friends, lovers, but the child always comes along.”
- Published: Winter 1983
- Collection: CoEvolution Quarterly
- Links: Internet Archive, Download PDF
- Articles
- Special Section on the Politics of Religion
- Fiction
- Communications
- Whole Systems
- Community
- Land Use
- Soft Technology
- Politics
- Nomadics
- Learning
- The Politics of Religion
- Backscatter
- Business

CoEvolution Quarterly, Winter 1983
- Handfast: The Trick of Children by Sallie Tisdale1
- SILENCE IS A COMMONS by Ivan Illich - Computers are doing to communication what fences did to pastures and cars did to streets.4
- SENTIMENT, GUILT AND REASON IN THE MANAGEMENT OF WILD HERDS by Garrett Hardin - “Carrying capacity” is a rural truth. Bambi is an urban lie.22
- Carrying Capacity and the Greek Dark Ages by Marshall Massey29
- COMA STORIES by Steven Levine. A coma is like being on the mezzanine. You are not on the second floor yet, but you have a whole different perspective of the first floor.41
- The Hand-Me-Down Network by Michael Goc48
- The Airtight Barn: A Superinsulated Retrofit at New Alchemy by Bill Smith54
- ENEMIES AND FRIENDS: The Varied Nations of Central America by Bill McLarney. Why North Americans misunderstand Central Americans.64
- Its Easier to Stop a Slow-Moving Vehicle Than it is a Runaway Horse. Safer, Too by Anne Herbert80
- El Chichon & My Friends by Gary Ginter82
- Prior Censorship: Forced security checks on writing by federal workers, starting now by Angus MacKenzie84
- The Politics of Martyrdom by Szanto100
- THE SECRET LIFE OF SWAMI MUKTANANDA by William Rodarmor. Abuses of power at the ashram of the “guru’s guru.”104
- Letter From a Former Swami by Stan Trout110
- EVENTS ARE THE TEACHER by Katy Butler - A Buddhist community asks its religious leader to stop.112
- Perils of the Path by Rick Fields124
- The Catcher in the ROM by Keith R. Knox10
- Candy Man by Will Baker92
- Piano Servicing, Tuning & Rebuilding16
- Violin-Making as it Was and Is16
- The Technique of Violin Making16
- A Luthier’s Scrap Book16
- Printmaking: History and Process17
- The Small Theatre Handbook17
- Author Law & Strategies17
- Good Movies: Winter by Sheila Benson18
- The Wittenburg Door20
- D.I.N. Newservice20
- Standing by Words21
- Axe Handles21
- Saving the Creepy Crawlies by Peter Warshall36
- The IUCN Invertebrate Red Data Book36
- Save Bats36
- The Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Butterflies36
- A Wealth of Wild Species37
- The Sierra Club Handbook of Whales and Dolphins37
- Vanishing Fishes of North America38
- Echoes of the Ancient Skies39
- Coevolution39
- The Solar System Close-up40
- Tapes of the Night Sky40
- The Hour of Our Death40
- Response!47
- I'm On My Way Running a Going Co-op51
- Mediator’s Handbook51
- Maid of Scandinavia52
- The Breads of France52
- The Sheep Book52
- The Fiddleback53
- Think Harmony With Horses53
- House Warming with Charlie Wing58
- Low Cost Earth Shelters58
- The Book of Masonry Stoves59
- Ken Kern’s Masonry Stove59
- How to Get Parts Cast For Your Antique Stove59
- Humanscale60
- Inventions60
- Philips SL*18 light bulb61
- Waterworks61
- Handbook of Snow61
- Plumbing for Dummies62
- School Energy Action62
- Biogas from Agricultural and Other Wastes62
- Drying Wood with the Sun63
- Cheaper By The Million63
- Community Energy Cooperatives63
- GACO Neoprene Coating63
- Healing America83
- Taming the Tiger83
- The Power of the People89
- The Reporter's Handbook89
- The Puzzle Palace90
- How to Research Your Local Military Contractor90
- Privacy Journal90
- Preventing Nuclear War91
- How to Make War91
- The Mountain Travel Book of Treks, Outings & Expeditions102
- Mountain Skiing102
- The Avalanche Review102
- Our New Baby103
- It’s MY Body103
- Pony Express Book Service103
- Original Blessings130
- Power in the Helping Professions130
- Echoes back from CQ readers131
- Unclassifieds136
- Masthead140
- Gossip140
- Great books ignored literary establishment141
- “Or Whole Earth Access’142
- Statement of Ownership, Management, and Circulation142
- Publishers Aide142
- Thank you142
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