CoEvolution Quarterly, Summer 1976
“‘Spaceship Earth’ comes home to roost. The U.S. Space Program is rapidly headed for moral and ethical problems it may not be equipped to handle. With the advent of the Space Shuttle in the early 1980’s and the ability to construct very large antennas in near-Earth orbit, the resolution of visibility of the Earth from Space will jump several orders of magnitude.”
- Published: Summer 1976
- Collection: CoEvolution Quarterly
- Links: Internet Archive, Download PDF
- Apocalypse Juggernaut, Hello
- Understanding Whole Systems
- Land Use
- Soft Technology
- Craft
- Comunity
- Nomadics
- Communications
- Learning
- Business

CoEvolution Quarterly, Summer 1976
- Apocalypse Juggernaut, hello
- Olbers’ Paradox by Lawrence Ferlinghetti1
- ‘Spaceship Earth’ comes home to roost4
- New astronaut hiring4
- Space Colony postscripts4
- Wendell Berry Angry8
- JACQUES COUSTEAU at NASA Headquarters12
- Free Lunch Comix and Stories by Dan O'Neill18
- Understanding Whole Systems
- Prisoner of Mao22
- A Canticle for Leibowitz22
- Thoughts22
- Out of Revolution24
- Only poisons become addictive24
- Evolution-Completion Idea24
- On Observing Natural Systems Francisco Varela in conversation with Donna Johnson26
- FOR GOD’S SAKE, MARGARET conversation with Gregory Bateson and Meare Mead32
- Carl Ortwin Sauer 1889-1975 by James J. Parsons45
- A Carl Sauer Checklist by Robert-Callahan52
- Man and Earth’s Ecosystems52
- Land Use
- TREES by Jean Giono54
- THE HOEDADS by J.D. Smith60
- The Oak Beams of New College, Oxford66
- Forest Farming66
- California’s reforestation project67
- Agricultural Involution67
- A Tree Hurts, Too68
- Wood ... Colors and Kinds68
- More on hops68
- Tree Surgery68
- Environmental Impact Recarts (E.1.R.’s) by Peter Warshall69
- E.I.R.’s now international69
- Fish ponds on sand70
- Ponds for Water Supply and Recreation70
- The Algal Bowl70
- United Stand Privy Booklet71
- Save Your Own Seed71
- Making Land Produce Useful Wildlife71
- Soft Technology
- Adobe News72
- Mud, Space & Spirit72
- The Code72
- Energy saving72
- Energy and Form74
- Winona — towards an energy saving community74
- Good Shelter74
- Old House Journal Buyers’ Guide75
- Farm Builder’s Handbook75
- Full Length Roof Framer, Simplified Stair Building75
- THE B&G by Steve Baer76
- THE BOMB by Steve Baer79
- Radical Technology82
- Lectures on Socially Appropriate Technology82
- Energy Basis for Man and Nature83
- Of Acceptable Risk83
- Windmills84
- Food From Windmills84
- Gemini progress84
- Pegasus revisited84
- Solar Age86
- How to Design and Build a Solar Swimming Pool Heater86
- Passive Solar Analysis86
- A-Z Solar Products87
- Your Home’s Solar Potential87
- Energy: The Solar-Hydrogen Alternative87
- Informal Directory of the Organizations and People Involved in the Solar Heating of Buildings87
- Craft
- Earth Guild/ Grateful Union88
- Stephan Invisible Wheel Grinder88
- Fine Woodworking88
- Mary Thomas’s Knitting Book89
- Fix-Nitz89
- Sharpening89
- The Crafts Fair Guide89
- Folkwear Gaza Dress89
- Comunity
- The Grass Roots Primer90
- Small Town90
- Back to the City90
- Gestalt Prayer91
- The Texas Observer91
- Social Policy91
- Three Political Ideas by Paul Maag92
- A Manual of Cooperative Games93
- Family Pastimes93
- Theory of Game-Change by Stewart Brand94
- Some Mice by Robert Horvitz100
- How to Be Your Own Doctor - Sometimes102
- Get Down Tonight by Deborah Haynes103
- Sex Notes by Kay Weiss106
- Further follow-up on the jellyless diaphragm107
- Childbirth Preparedness Kit107
- THE SPACE CRONE by Ursula Le Guin108
- Kenneth Roberts112
- The Complete Dog Book112
- Le Catalogue des Ressources112
- Memory One: Getting Started in Orygun by David Shetzline114
- The Gypsies114
- Nomadics
- Skateboarder116
- Skateboarding116
- Auto Enthusiast Directory116
- Polarguard at Snow Lion117
- Man Powered Flight117
- Simple Foods For The Pack118
- How to Fix Your Bicycle
- Bicycle tool specialists118
- From Rails to Trails118
- The Motor Car118
- The Complete Wilderness Paddler120
- Christy Knives120
- Survival Guns120
- Canoe Poling121
- Commercial fishing training121
- The Curtis Creek Manifesto121
- Communications
- How to Do Leaflets, Newsletters and Newspapers122
- Help! for the Small Museum122
- The Science Fiction Review122
- Smile in a Mad Dog’s122
- Earthbooks122
- A Basic Course in Manual Communication124
- An Introduction to Microcomputers124
- The Mythical Man-Month124
- Learning
- Stone Soup125
- Workshop for learning things125
- Arranging the Informal Classroom125
- Wooden tongue drum125
- Another classroom dictatorship126
- Welcome regimentation126
- The “‘hex death” classroom126
- WINNING by Ron Jones128
- Taking Off133
- The Education of Joni Mitchell134
- It’s our very effort to make reality repeatable which Buddhism calls suffering by Zentatsu Baker-Roshi138
- Primitive practice141
- Business
- Patrons142
- Grassroots Distribution142
- Free-Lance Guidelines142
- CQ Balance Sheet143
- CQ Guidelines143
- CQ Bipancial Report143
- Gossip144
- Credits144
More CoEvolution Quarterly